Quiz: Can You Blame the Recession?

Quiz: Can You Blame the Recession?

The outlook may seem bleak, but let’s not jump to any conclusions. It might not be your fault! Bad things happen to good people, and ultimately that’s probably because the economy is so crazy right now. Find out if the recession’s to blame with this handy quiz.

1. None of the job applications you’ve filled out have led to an interview. It is because:

a) You haven’t updated your resume since Obama was President, and the only skill you have listed is Microsoft Word, which is a lie because you use Google Docs.

b) We’re in a recession.

Answer: B. It’s a recession! The unemployment rate is going up, probably? And, hey, if they aren’t amused by the fact that your cover letter says “detail-oriented” but the company name is spelled wrong, they don’t deserve you anyway.

2. You got hit with another thirty-four-dollar overdraft fee. It is because:

a) You spent fourteen hundred dollars on partial-view Taylor Swift tickets.

b) We’re in a recession.

Answer: B. In tough financial times, we need to treat ourselves. In the words of Taylor Swift, “don’t blame me.”

3. You missed the G train four times this week. It is because:

a) Last year, you miraculously walked to the Fulton Street station from your apartment in six minutes, and now you’ve convinced yourself that that’s how long it takes to get there.

b) We’re in a recession.

Answer: B. Because of the recession, city government is, like, recessed. The trains are actually leaving the station faster because that uses less fuel. And fuel prices are up because of the markets. Very annoying!

4. Your landlord is pissed. It is because:

a) That sweet pandemic rent deal you had ended four months ago, and you’ve been “forgetting” to pay the new amount ever since, which is charming, and very bohemian.

b) We’re in a recession.

Answer: B. If you weren’t so stressed about the recession—which continues to impact you personally (Whole Foods was fully out of blueberries this week!)—you would have remembered that your rent is now thirty per cent higher.

5. You can’t afford to buy a home, which would solve your rent problems (and replace them with mortgage problems, which are better for reasons you definitely understand). It is because:

a) You didn’t save to buy a home because you always thought you’d just kinda stumble into one, like that time you randomly got bumped up to first class. Like, if you rented long enough, the place would be yours? You are too busy being the main character of your own life to learn what “compound interest” is and why your most boring friends keep talking about it.

b) We’re in a recession.

Answer: B. Housing prices are insane right now! There are literally houses that cost more than a million dollars. That’s too many dollars.

6. You just got dumped. It is:

a) Because you told them on the second date that you’re hoping to just kinda stumble into owning a house one day.

b) We’re in a recession.

Answer: B. Because of the recession, people aren’t really going on third dates anymore. It’s too expensive. Restaurants need to be giving people a discount on third dates. That would really help you!

7. You can’t find someone new to go out with because you haven’t got off the Raya waiting list. It is because:

a) You only have three hundred Instagram followers and still use the Valencia filter.

b) We’re in a recession.

Answer: B. Because of the recession, Raya is clearly tightening its belt. This is really not fair to you, a very eligible person who simply cannot find a suitable match on the League.

8. Your friends keep telling you that you shouldn’t blame the recession for not having a job or an apartment that you can afford or a significant other or a 401(k), since we might not even be in one. It is because:

a) You blame everything on the recession.

b) We’re in a recession.

Answer: B. Wow, everyone acts so weird in a recession. This is really annoying. Someone needs to do something. Isn’t there some sort of government body that can fix things? Like, shouldn’t interest rates be lower? Or higher? The dollar is so weak and/or strong right now! Also, isn’t a 401(k) a nonprofit thing? Why would you need a nonprofit—you work hard for profit.

9. Your allergies are bad. It is because:

b) We’re in a recession.

Answer: B. So messed up. ♦

Tyler Davis

Tyler Davis is an accomplished editor who works at New York Editorial, a renowned publishing house in New York City. He has been in the publishing industry for over a decade and has a keen eye for detail and a passion for great storytelling. Tyler graduated from the prestigious Columbia University with a degree in English literature and started his career as a freelance editor

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